

Lockpicking is a rogue class skill. The trained ability, [Pick Lock] (learned at level 20 or above from any Rogue Trainer), allows rogues to use Lockpicking to open locked doors, chests, and lockboxes.


Dark Leather Gloves, created through Leatherworking, increase lockpicking skill by 5. They reduce the chance of a lockpicking attempt failing and also can be used to pick locks slightly out of your skill range.

Pickable Locks[]

Locked Items[]

Junkbox Lockbox

Чёрт побери, он заперт!

Сундук - это игровой объект, который обычно находится поблизости от поселений гуманоидов, но может быть и в подземелье, и в лесистой местности (например, в Сумеречном лесу, или на острове Жагуар). Содержимое сундука зависит от уровня локации, в котором он находится и, кроме денег, обычно включает в себя какие-либо припасы, еду и питье, или же часть снаряжения.

Открывание сундуков занимает немного времени, к тому же этого нельзя сделать во время боя. Некоторые сундуки являются запертыми, и открыть их можно с помощью ключа, взрывчатки, созданной инженерами, или посредством навыка разбойников по взлому замков. Попытка открыть сундук обычно приводит к нападению рядом стоящих врагов, относящихся к игроку с неприязнью или враждебностью.

Если сундук открыть и не забрать его содержимое, то он может исчезнуть через 5 минут после открытия.

Начиная с обновления 2.1, игровые объекты с добычей (например, те же сундуки) подчиняются правилу групповой добычи, что означает возможность распределения клада таким же образом, как и добычи с убитых монстров.

В сундуках Азерота традиционно находятся хорошие сокровища, в отличии от Запределья, где содержимое сундуков более скудно.

Сундуки с добычей обычного качества
Название Уровень
[Побитый сундук] 5+
[Побитый сундук] 5+
[Добротный сундук] 10+
[Большой побитый сундук] Подземелья, 15+
[Большой добротный сундук] Подземелья, 18+
[Большой сундук, окованный железом] (заперт) Подземелья, 18+
[Большой сундук, окованный мифрилом] (заперт) Подземелья, 39+
[Большой сундук, окованный мифрилом] (заперт) Подземелья, 58+
[Сундук из оскверненного железа] TBC Зоны
[Сундук, окованный оскверненным железом] (заперт) TBC Подземелья, 60+
[Сундук, окованный адамантитом] TBC Зоны
[Тяжелый сундук из оскверненного железа] TBC Зоны
[Сундук из оскверненной стали] TBC Зоны
[Добротный сундук из оскверненного железа] TBC Подземелья
[Сундук, окованный адамантитом] (заперт) TBC Подземелья
[Сундук, окованный адамантитом] (заперт) TBC Подземелья
[Добротный адамантитовый сундук] TBC Подземелья, Героические
Запертые сундуки (добытые рыбной ловлей)
Уровень Предмет Оранжевый Жёлтый Зеленый Серый
20 [Маленький запертый сундук] 1 ? ? ?
30 [Прочный запертый ларь] 70 ? ? ?
45 [Запертый сундук, окованный железом] 175 ? ? ?
55 [Укрепленный запертый сундук] 250 ? 300 <300
Сундуки с Редкой добычей Cataclysm
[Прочный сундук с сокровищами]
[Окованный серебром сундук с сокровищами]
[Шелковый сундук с сокровищами]
[Сундук с сокровищами Черного Железа]

Изменение в обновлениях[]

  • Cata Обновление 4.0.3а (23-11-2010): Сундуки, содержащие предметы редкого качества, были добавлены во все зоны.



Typically, unguarded footlockers have a lower skill range than guarded ones. When lockpicking, nearby mobs may also become hostile when they are otherwise outside your aggro range.

Locked Treasure Chests[]

<small;>τCommon Loot-containing locked chests
Name Lockpicking Skill Character Level Location(s)
[Large Iron Bound Chest] 25 20 Blackfathom Deeps, Gnomeregan, Razorfen Downs, Razorfen Kraul, Scarlet Monastery, Shadowfang Keep and The Stockade
[Large Mithril Bound Chest] 175 35 Uldaman
[Large Mithril Bound Chest] 250 50 Blackrock Spire, Dire Maul and Stratholme
[Bound Fel Iron Chest] 300 60 TBC Hellfire Ramparts, Mana-Tombs, The Blood Furnace, The Slave Pens and The Underbog
[Bound Adamantite Chest] 325 65 TBC Auchenai Crypts, Hellfire Ramparts, Mana-Tombs, Sethekk Halls, Shadow Labyrinth, The Blood Furnace, The Botanica, The Mechanar, The Shattered Halls, The Slave Pens, The Steamvault and The Underbog
[Bound Adamantite Chest] 350 70 TBC Hellfire Ramparts, The Blood Furnace, The Botanica, The Mechanar, The Shattered Halls, The Slave Pens, The Steamvault and The Underbog


Location Door Lockpicking Skill Character Level Note
The Deadmines Gate 1 20 Can also be opened with Defias Gunpowder
Gnomeregan Workshop Door 150 35 Can also be opened with Workshop Key
Scarlet Monastery Armory and Cathedral Doors 175 35 Can also be opened with Scarlet Key
Searing Gorge Searing Gorge Gate 225 45 Can also be opened with Key to Searing Gorge
Blackrock Depths East Garrison Door 250 50 Can also be opened with Shadowforge Key
Blackrock Depths Prison Cells 250 50 Can also be opened with Prison Cell Key
Blackrock Depths Shadowforge Gates 250 50 Can also be opened with Shadowforge Key
Blackrock Depths Shadowforge Mechanism 250 50 Can also be opened with Shadowforge Key
Scholomance Scholomance Door 280 56 Can also be opened with Skeleton Key
Stratholme Stratholme Gates 300 60 Can also be opened with Key to the City
Dire Maul Crescent Door 300 60 Can also be opened with Crescent Key
Shattered Halls Shattered Halls Door 350 70 Can also be opened with Shattered Halls Key
Shadow Labyrinth Shadow Labyrinth Gate 350 70 Can also be opened with Shadow Labyrinth Key
The Arcatraz Arcatraz Door 350 70 Can also be opened with Key to the Arcatraz
Karazhan Karazhan Door 350 70 Can also be opened with The Master's Key
Dalaran Violet Hold Door 365 73 Can also be opened with The Violet Hold Key

Alternatives to Lockpicking[]

If a rogue is unavailable, there are several alternatives.

Locks can be opened by various Skeleton keys made by Blacksmiths. There are seven types of skeleton keys, all of which can be learned from Blacksmithing trainers. Each recipe creates two keys, which are used up on a successful pick.

Additionally Engineers can use Seaforium Charges to open locked doors and chests.

In the early closed beta, mages had a spell called Khadgar's Unlocking which could unlock lockboxes and doors by consuming a reagent, but this spell was removed in Patch 0.9.

Source Item Unlocks
Blacksmithing [Silver Skeleton Key] 25
[Golden Skeleton Key] 125
[Truesilver Skeleton Key] 200
[Arcanite Skeleton Key] 300
[Cobalt Skeleton Key] 375
[Titanium Skeleton Key] 430
[Obsidium Skeleton Key] 525
Engineering [Small Seaforium Charge] 150
[Large Seaforium Charge] 250
[Powerful Seaforium Charge] 300
[Elemental Seaforium Charge] 350
[Volatile Seaforium Blastpack] 525

Lockpicking etiquette[]

There is very little consensus on what standard policies for lockpicking are; Rogue expectations can vary wildly from server to server. Some expect a tip, and some gladly open locks for free. Common assumptions can be:

  • If the rogue is not sending messages via Trade, General chat, or by yelling, then it is never acceptable to open a trade with a rogue without first asking them if he can open a certain box. Among other things, it can disrupt a mail composition, an Auction House scan, or a profession crafting, and can be very irritating. Many rogues will automatically ignore people who open trade windows unsolicited. However, if the rogue is clearly stating that he/she is opening lockboxes, it can be considered even more irritating to the rogue who then has to deal with floods of whispers coming in, so simply open trade.
  • Rogues will generally offer their service for free; it is generally expected to offer a tip if you can afford it.
  • If a rogue expects a fee for lockpicking, he should negotiate it ahead of time. Otherwise, gracious players often tip anywhere between 2з and 5з to the opening rogue, based on the type of lockbox opened. Locks under Thorium Lockboxes usually are tipped 50с and Thorium and above are tipped 1з on most servers. A generally good guideline to follow would be one silver for every skill on the lockbox (ex. Thorium Lockboxes would be 2з 50с .
  • If you ask a rogue before opening, he/she will often open it for free.
  • Always ask friends and guild mates before asking strangers. You are more likely to get it opened and more likely to get it done for free or a discounted price.
  • CataLockpicking is no longer a skill that the rogue must level up, so there is no longer a material benefit to the rogue to open random boxes for others if they are not tipped.

Patch changes[]

  • Шаблон:Patch 4.0.1
  • WotLK Обновление 3.0.2 (14-10-2008): Pick Lock no longer requires Thieves' Tools.
  • WoW Icon 16x16 Обновление 1.4.0 (05-05-2005): The Rogue trainers will now point the player to an appropriate area with boxes to unlock depending on the lockpicking skill of the player.
  • Шаблон:Patch 1.3.0
  • Шаблон:Patch 1.2.2

See also[]

  • Rogues can learn the Pick Lock ability at level 20, which opens up the lockpicking skill to them.
  • For how lockpicking used to be leveled, refer to the old leveling guide on lockpicking.

External links[]

Шаблон:Вскрытие замков предметы
